Reflections and Projections

Version 1.0.3 Released

Hi folks,

Good news for those experiencing the latest two bugs, I've fixed them and I'm releasing 1.0.3.

This release fixes a problem some folks were having where would forget which monitor had been setup for the projector, and in some cases would throw a "List index out of bounds" error. It also fixes a bug where some folks would see a number of "" folders in the recycle bin.

You can get all the 1.0.3-goodness from the download page.

Version 2 Theme Manager

The new Theme Manager is now taking shape and I have been able to generate some sample layouts.

There are a number of changes being introduced in the new versions.  The most significant is that themes will need to be exported from version 1 and imported into version 2 due to internal changes in the storage mechanism.  The import will correct the structure and add defaults where appropriate.

Other changes include:

  • Real Font sizes not percentages on the screen.

  • Ability to set the font size and color for footers

  • Background rendering for circles.

Two examples are below.


Platforms, Plugins and Progress

One of the questions we get every now and then is "When is 2 going to be released?"

To be honest, we have no idea. We're working on it whenever we get a chance, and I must say that the pace that we're getting things working is actually quite amazing. Many thanks go out to Scott Guerrieri, Martin Thompson and Tim Bentley who have done most of the work so far.

But, before I go on, let me show you a few screenshots on Mac OS X:

If you look in the screenshots above, you'll get a good idea of how the plugins system works. In the main window, you can see each of the items in the media manager. Each of these items is provided by a plugin. In the settings form you can see the tabs at the top of the window. Those tabs (apart from the core tabs - General, Themes and Alerts) are also provided by the plugin system.

The Songs plugin also provides the Song Editor form, which is called up and manages the songs. You can also see the Custom Slide Editor form that the Custom Slide plugin provides.

Eventually, the plugins will even be able to respond to events within!

We still have a lot of work to do, but things are progressing nicely. If you'd like to find out how to help out with the development of version 2, have a look at the Getting Started page on our developer wiki.

Version 1.0 in Maintenance Mode

Hi folks,

For those who haven't realised it yet, version 1.0 is in maintenance mode. This means that we are no longer working on it, apart from fixing the occasional bug. This also means that we are no longer supporting anyone else trying to compile or further develop 1.0 because it has reached it's end of life.

If you're keen to add features or otherwise help with the development of, please work on version 2.0. We have a developer wiki with some articles on how to get started on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, and other important pages like coding standards and a plugin developers' guide.

You're also welcome to join us in IRC, where we have developers, users, and friends of hanging out and chatting from time to time.

OpenLP 2.0 development - Image plugin

I've been hacking on the Image plugin for a while and finally figured out enough about Qt and it's Model View architecture to get  the Media Manager to display the images as previews.  My hope is I can reuse a lot of the code to display the preview and live panes... but that's for another day :)

Openlp version 2 - Bible Plugin.

The developement of the Bible plugin is nearing completion and we have mananaged to add some new features, as well as port the current functionality.

Bible Imports

Two new import methods have been added.

  • Ability to import bibles from Sword bible reader. This functionality will create a bible from a bible downloaded by the sword software. The quality of the import is only as good as the source material but it opens up access to a wide range of bibles in many languages.

  • Ability to access bibles directly from the Internet. These bibles will be downloaded on demand and cached on the local machine so they can be used whist not connected to the internet.

Bible Presentations

It is now possible to mix verses and/or versions on the same slide. For example

  • A slide could have Matthew 1:1 and Matthew 1:3 on the same slide.

  • Also a slide could have Matthew 1:1 from the NIV and The Message on the same slide.

Hopefully this will give you an idea of some of the improvements coming up.

The image below shows search results using the new Bible Plugin.

/pictures/bibles1.png 1.0.2 has been released!

Hi folks,

After a long time, bugfix 1.0.2 has been released. This includes a number of minor bug fixes, as well as some performance enhancements for presentations and slide changes. Please note that due to the performance enhancements to the presentations, you will need to re-import and presentations you have previously imported and use on a regular basis.

You can download 1.0.2 from the download page, as usual.

I've got a list of all the changes below:

  • Speeded up slide changes

  • Fixed error on deleting a song from the Order of Service

  • Fixed error on deleting the last slide in a song

  • Various "List index out of bounds (1)" errors fixed

  • Fixed importing of copyright information from exported songs

  • Get to remember the last "Save As" location

  • Fixed unexpected font size change due to resizing of live and preview panes

  • Removed "Enabled Timed Slide" button for images

  • Fixed theme fallback for completely unset themes

  • Sped up loading of presentations

  • Fixed a bug in the theme import process

  • Fixed the theme preview in the wizard to correspond with reality

  • Bibles in drop down list are now listed alphabetically (case-insensitive)

  • Fixed an issue with incorrect credit lines for Bibles straight from the Bible manager

  • Hopefully fixed install file permissions

  • Added German and Brazillian Portuguese translations.

Web-based Converter

With the development of 2.0, and a new database format in 2.0, we are (obviously) going to be writing a converter to convert databases from 1.0 format to 2.0 format. A little bit of discussion around the converter in the IRC channel last night gave us a brilliant idea: make the converter web-based.

Having a web-based converter means that we have a central converter that we can control, and things can happen instantly and in one place. This means that the bugs you find will be fixed fairly quickly. It also means that we can add features easily, and you don't have to download yet another application or upgrade your existing application.

As of this moment, I haven't started working on the converter yet, but it will be my main priority over the next while, as we developers need it to migrate our own existing databases!

That's all for now, God bless!

No News is Good News

Hi folks,

We're still busy hacking away at version 2.0, hence the silence from us. If you don't hear from us, it's because we're working hard!

It's coming along nicely though, we're got most of the ground work done, and we're now busy working on how to get a plugin to display an item to the screen. Thanks to some hard work for the team, most of the core plugins (the Bibles, Videos, etc) are about 75% done. The next few steps are going to be working on the core, getting things to talk to each other nicely and writing the control component (or "widget" as Qt likes to call them).

A Breathtaking Moment

They carefully crept into the stable, so as not to wake the baby, and as they entered the stable each one gasped a little. "Here he is, this child will save us!" whispered one of the herdboys at the back of the group to another. A feeling of awe and amazement came over them, and they quietly but excitedly went over to the proud father and shook his hand, and then gave the young mother a hug.

It was a breathtaking moment, right there in the stables. This little baby, born to a poor carpenter and his young wife, would fulfill all the prophecies of countless generations and prophets. The nation had been waiting for this moment for more than 600 years.

As the angel choir withdrew into heaven, the sheepherders talked it over. "Let's get over to Bethlehem as fast as we can and see for ourselves what God has revealed to us." They left, running, and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. Seeing was believing. They told everyone they met what the angels had said about this child. All who heard the sheepherders were impressed.

Luke 2:15-18 (The Message)

May the Lord bless you this Christmas, and remind you of what Christmas is really all about.