Reflections and Projections

Find us on Ohloh!

If you haven't noticed it before, let me draw your attention to the bottom little black bar underneath the menu on the left. This is a little counter and a link to our project page on the Ohloh website. Ohloh is a site where open source projects can have a project page, and users of the software can write reviews, indicate that they use the software, and give the developers "kudo". It's kinda like a Facebook for open source projects.

As you can see from the counter, currently has 183 594 lines of code, and would cost a dedicated development team $2.5 million to write. If you use, and you like it, would you please consider signing up on Ohloh and at least mark that you use it. If you'd like to, please feel free to write a review, and giving the developers kudo is always welcome.

A Linux Server Distribution For Churches?

I've just written a blog entry on a blog I take part in for Christians in Open Source Software, and I thought that some folks who use might be interested in reading my blog entry, and possibly commenting on it.

Without further ado, here is the link: A Linux Server Distribution For Churches?

New Milestone towards Version 2.

Without the aid of a sceen shot revision 500 has been committed to the repository.

We are making progress with Songs , Bibles and Custom plugins working resonably.

The ServiceManager and ThemeManagers allow services to be saved and loaded and themes imported from version1.

We are still a few months away from an alpha release but we are making good progress.

It's a Boy!

Just to let everyone in OpenLP-land know that my wife and I now have a lovely healthy baby boy! He was born at 12:16 on Wednesday 29 July, and weighed 3.57 kilograms. For the full story and pictures, you can read the blog post on my personal blog.

Imminent Arrival of Junior

No, we're not releasing OpenLP 2.0, my wife and I are expecting a baby.

From time to time in the past I have blogged things of a more personal nature, which I know some of the OpenLP community have welcomed, and I figured that most of the community would like to hear this bit of news.

My wife is booked for a caesarean section on Wednesday, 29th July. This is our first child, and we're both excited, but also daunted at the responsibility we have been given to take care of this baby. We would most certainly appreciate your prayers for the operation and for the adjustments we have to make and for the additional financial consequences of a child.

Of course, having a new born baby is unfortunately also going to impact the amount of work I can do on OpenLP, but I'm hoping that it won't be taking away too much of my time.

Thanks for your prayers and support!

Another screenshot for Mac OS X

I feel really sorry for our testers who use Mac OS X, because they have to go through a real mission to get OpenLP 2.0 up and running on their machines. One of our testers who uses Mac OS X was brave enough to undertake that massive task, and sent in the screenshot below to prove to us that it *is* possible. Well done Andreas!

Latest Position for Version 2

Let's start with a screen shot:


The Service Manager is nearing completion and it is now possible to save are restore orders of services.

The screen shot also shows that individual verses are visible within songs. These can be selected as the starting place for the times when the worship leader decides to start in a different place to normal. 2.0 Testing

Hello everyone,

As Raoul has already announced testing time is here. I have been asked to help organize this effort. I have a pretty good list of possible testers, but the more the merrier.  I have already emailed many of you, if I haven't yet I will be getting to that soon (its a holiday weekend in the States and I've been more out of pocket than I thought). Here is a link for some info on testing If you are interested in testing just send me PM from the site. Any help we can get will be greatly appreciated!

Version 2.0: Help Wanted

Hi folks,

Yes, it's that age-old call for help that you can hear reverberating through the hills again...

We have reached the stage in the development of version 2.0 where we need to start testing. We have a lead tester, but we need some extra folks to help with the testing.

We need folks running Windows (2K/XP/Vista/7), Linux (any distro that runs Qt4 and Python 2.5 or up), and Mac OS X (Tiger and up). You don't need any experience in software testing, you just need to be committed to installing some software libraries on your computer and spending some time running through and testing version 2.0.

If you're interested in helping out, please send a private message to either myself or Wesley (wstout) with the subject, "Help Offered: Tester", and the following information:

  • Your name

  • Your e-mail address

  • Your username

  • Your operating system (eg. "Linux: Fedora Core 10" or "Mac OS X: Leopard")

  • Your location (eg. "Atlanta GA, USA" or "Pilsen, Czech Republic")

  • Your timezone (eg. "GMT-4/-5" or "GMT+1/+2") (please note that I don't live in the States, so "Eastern Standard Time" means nothing to me)

Another version 2 update...

...with the obligatory screenshot too.

In the screenshot above, you can see how we've started working on Themes, Previews, and the Slide Controllers. I searched for Genesis 1:1 in the Bible Verse plugin, and then sent it to the preview controller.

We're currently working on the Service Manager (what used to be called the Order of Service) to make it a little more powerful that the previous one, and on getting things displayed on the second monitor. We already have some initial bits to both of those working, but neither is complete yet.