Reflections and Projections

V1.2.2 is available for download

Hi All

This is a fairly minor update release, but I guess more minor to some the others :)

Changes in 1.2.2.

  • Correction for bug prevent song information display from being deactivated

  • Added option to ignore saving the unsaved OOS content when selecting to open a new OOS

  • Fixed bug preventing the theme export to use any folder outside of the "Documents and Settings" folder.  Themes can now be exported to any folder.


openlp 2.0 testing

The developers of openlp have really been burning it up here lately. There are some really neat things happening. The testing, however has been a little slow (mainly due to me dragging my feet) so we are needing a little help on the testing front. As most of you that are testers of 2.0 know, the developers  want to use full regression testing for version 2.0. Full regression testing pretty much means no stone goes unturned, and every possible scenario is played out in testing before the release. To accomplish this we need to write test scripts for everyone to follow so we know that things have been checked out completely on a variety of hardware, operating system environments, etc.

If you are interested in helping write some of the scripts we are breaking them down per plugin. For example the songs plugin will have a set of test as will the themes plugin, etc. This is fairly involved process but really helps you get to know the software well and is a way for those of us who can't or don't have the time to help with the coding to make a contribution. You can check out what we have so far here. The basics are making sure everything that should be there is there and making sure that everything that is there works. If you are interested in helping out let me know so we won't have two people working on the same thing or join us over in irc at


State of the Application: OpenLP 2.0 revision 600

Hi Folks,

I just thought I'd give you all a quick run-down of the current state of OpenLP 2.0.

We've been working hard on version 2.0, which is written in Python, using Qt4 as it's GUI, and the PyQt4 binding to facilitate this. Yesterday evening we reached another minor milestone when we committed revision 600 to trunk!

Some of the implemented features include:

  • Cross platform: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD

  • Plugin architecture with ability to switch plugins on and off on the fly

  • Song plugin, with verse ordering for songs

  • Bibles plugin with web and OSIS (Sword Project) import capabilities

  • Media plugin for dealing with audio and video

  • Custom Slides plugin for custom text items that are not songs (like liturgy)

  • Image plugin, with multiple images aggregated into a single item in the Service Manager (great for slideshows!)

  • Presentations plugin which integrates with PowerPoint, PowerPoint Viewer and Impress1

  • Audit plugin to track song usage

  • Remote plugin, for remote control (great for remote nursery alerts!)

  • Nursery alerts

  • Customisable slide themes

  • A separate Bible theme can be selected

1. No support for Keynote yet, as none of the developers has a Mac. If you have a Mac and fancy yourself a developer, *please* contact us!

Some of the features we will be implementing:

  • CCLI SongSelect integration (coming soon!)

  • Dual Bible translations per slide

  • Much better internationalisation support

We are still a long way off from a stable release, but it's really encouraging to see how far we've gotten, and I'm really proud of the team for all the work they've done so far!

If you're interested in just chatting with the guys, come join us in on Freenode.

If you're interested in helping out, join us in IRC, and have a look at our development wiki:

Help Market

The team has decided to up the ante on our marketing, but we need your help!

We've created a Facebook Page, a group on Facebook, a Twitter account and a group on LinkedIn (see the "Follow Us" section below the menu on the left). We're also working hard to improve the SEO of the site.

There are a few ways you can help us out...

Social Networking

You can help by following us on Twitter, becoming a fan of the Facebook Page, and by joining the Facebook and LinkedIn groups.'s Twitter page is linked to the blog on the site, so you'll always see the latest news via Twitter, and joining the groups on social networks allows you to network with other users of OpenLP, and with the developers too.

Vote for OpenLP

Both, a social network for open source applications, and, an open source project hosting service, offer voting and reviewing facilities. So go and vote for OpenLP on or


Furthermore, if you have a blog or a web site, add a link to the site with the words "free church presentation software" or "free worship software" on an appropriate page. If you're not so hot on your HTML, we have a sample of each below.

I use some <a href="" title="free church presentation software">free church presentation software</a> called OpenLP!

Looking for <a href="" title="free worship software">free worship software</a>? We use OpenLP!

Version 1.2.1 is available

V1.2.1 is purely a bug fix release, solving

  • A translation bug in the Portuguese language

  • A problem if a default display was not selected in the First Run Wizard

  • A display numbering issue causing "index out-of-bounds" exceptions

  • A bug with the blank screen notification message being on the wrong display at startup

  • A bug where in certain Windows display configurations, the Verse search button was not visible


1.2.0 - A bug or 2 :)

Well, it would appear as if there are 1 or 2 small (?) issues that I missed in my testing.  Firstly, it's important to select a monitor in the First Run Wizard.  Failure to do so will result in an error message, but the software will still run fine afterwards.

Secondly, in some cases, the Search Button in the Bible Verse Lookup goes missing.

I plan to make these corrections in the next few days and release an update. Feel free to try and find as many bugs  as you can in 1.2.0 so we can make 1.2.1 bug free :D


Version 1.2.0 is now available

Hi all,

For those of you out there that don't have musicians to play music for your church service and use audio tracks, version 1.2.0 will be a welcome surprise (since it wasn't in the project plan). Due to a personal requirement, I continued development on the v1.x line of and added the facility to play audio files. Not only that, but they can be linked to lyrics and managed together.

While I was busy with this I was in contact with CCLI in Germany and was able to get information which enabled me to build in song import support for SongSelect file (txt & usr).  I also added a web based facility to import songs from SongSelect.  For those of you who use SongSelect, I'm sure you will enjoy this.

I was also able to enhance the internationalisation capabilities of This includes being able to select your language preference when the First Run Wizard runs after installation.

In the process of development, a few bug fixes were also taken care of. For a more complete list of the changes, refer to the Changelog.

You can get your all new 1.2.0 edition from the download page.


P.S. I should mention that other than urgent bugfixes, this really is the last of the 1.x versions :)

Welcome to Jon Tibble

This is a little late, but better late than never... I want to welcome Jon Tibble to the OpenLP 2.0 core development team.

Jon has been helping us out with come coding recently, and has proven himself to be a real asset. He's not only been working on some of the bigger things, he's also gone in and worked on a lot of the smaller bits that we haven't been able to devote time to. He's got a real eye for detail and is a meticulous developer.

So, from me and all the rest of the core developers: Welcome Jon!

Commit 550 has passed and new components have arrived

Work on the 2.0 version is moving forward at great speed with new developers helping out.

In the last few weeks code has been added to run Impress presentations on Linux. Work is underway to get this to also work on Windows. Powerpoint and PowerPoint Viewer will come later.

In the latest merge a new Audit plugin has arrived to audit songs used during a service. This will record what was actually used during a service. More work is needed on this component but the foundations are complete.

The other month an extension to the alerting component was added allow alerts to be triggered over a network.  This will be useful for creche's and car park attendants