In just over a weeks time, the OpenLP facebook
page will be switched over to the new
Timeline view. The new view gives us the opportunity to add a cover
image to go along the top of the page, and this is where we would like
your help...
Ideally we would like to use a picture of OpenLP being used, with a full
worshipping congregation and both the operators screen and the projector
screen in view. For example a long time ago when v1 was just being born
and monitors were still the size of a small car, the photo on the right
was taken. We would like to bring it up to date..
As always, there are a few restrictions. This makes it significantly
harder, but we might accept an image close to the mark:
We would like to see a view of a recent v2 version, with close to the
default layout.
Any lyrics on the screen ideally in the Public Domain, if possible.
Although Scripture will be fine too. English would be preferable.
A fairly full looking congregation, who don't look like they are
bored ;)
The trickiest bit.. the image has to be an unstretched 851x315
In focus ;) and not too dark.
Note that facebook displays the OpenLP logo over part of the bottom
left of the image
Oh and full permission for OpenLP to use the picture, although you'll
retain the copyright.
Also if you have other ideas for a type of image we could use, then
please share them in the comments too.
You can post images to our facebook wall or use an image sharing site
such as imgur and post the links below.
Disclaimer: We don't guarantee we'll use your photo as the cover even
if it the only one created and has a 1000 likes. Therefore we don't
recommend you spend 3 solid days setting up the perfect shot, and going
out to buy the latest Canon or Nikon DSLR just to take this picture!
Raoul has the final word.
We look forward to seeing your photos :)