Reflections and Projections

OpenLP is Officially in the Debian Repositories!

Debian - The Universal Operating System

Ladies and gentlemen, I am extremely happy to announce that as from today you can install OpenLP in Debian Linux (unstable) by simply typing in apt-get install openlp - yes, that's right, OpenLP is in the Debian repositories.

This is a really significant step for OpenLP because a number of the really popular Linux distributions are based on Debian, and thus OpenLP will filter down into distributions like Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Linux Mint in the near future. For instance, you should find OpenLP in Ubuntu 12.10 when it comes out in October this year.

Show Off Your Action Shots!

Over the last few weeks, we've started collecting action shots from many of our users on our OpenLP page on Facebook. If you'd like to see your action shot in our album, please just post it to our wall, and we'll pick it up from there. If you're not yet a fan of the OpenLP page, I recommend you "Like" us now!

A Quick Video Tutorial

Hi folks,

I've just put together a very basic tutorial on how to get your first service up and running. I've embedded it below in HTML5 video. If you can't see it, you can download it and watch it in VLC using the link below, or you'll have to wait a little until I've uploaded it to our YouTube channel.

Download OpenLP Service Tutorial Video

Announcing OpenLP 1.9.9: The Last Beta

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you read that correctly. OpenLP 1.9.9 is the last of the beta series. From now on, OpenLP is in release candidate phase! Release candidate phase means that we will not be adding any more features and will be concentrating on fixing bugs.

We believe that all the functionality which was in version 1.2 has now been included in version 2.0, and for the next few months we will be focusing our efforts on fixing as many outstanding bugs as we can.

Features added:

  • Transparent themes, for background videos (theme video backgrounds not yet possible)

  • On-the-fly changing of backing tracks

  • Repeating of backing track list

  • Use VLC for displaying videos - not on Mac OS X yet, unfortunately. (Note: To be able to use this feature the VLC media player has to be installed on your computer.)

  • Search songs by song book/number

  • Configurable automatic service file names using the date

  • The reference format used to look up Bible verses has been localised, and can be changed along with the interface language

  • Configure the "next slide" action when at the end of the current item in the slide controller to either move to the first slide again, to the next slide of the next item, or nothing.

Of course we have also fixed over 46 bugs in this release!

The full list of changes can be seen on our launchpad page.

Wanted: Facebook Timeline photo

OpenLP v1 in use

In just over a weeks time, the OpenLP facebook page will be switched over to the new Timeline view. The new view gives us the opportunity to add a cover image to go along the top of the page, and this is where we would like your help...

Ideally we would like to use a picture of OpenLP being used, with a full worshipping congregation and both the operators screen and the projector screen in view. For example a long time ago when v1 was just being born and monitors were still the size of a small car, the photo on the right was taken. We would like to bring it up to date..

As always, there are a few restrictions. This makes it significantly harder, but we might accept an image close to the mark:

  1. We would like to see a view of a recent v2 version, with close to the default layout.

  2. Any lyrics on the screen ideally in the Public Domain, if possible. Although Scripture will be fine too. English would be preferable.

  3. A fairly full looking congregation, who don't look like they are bored ;)

  4. The trickiest bit.. the image has to be an unstretched 851x315 resolution.

  5. In focus ;) and not too dark.

  6. Note that facebook displays the OpenLP logo over part of the bottom left of the image

  7. Oh and full permission for OpenLP to use the picture, although you'll retain the copyright.

Also if you have other ideas for a type of image we could use, then please share them in the comments too.

You can post images to our facebook wall or use an image sharing site such as imgur and post the links below.

Disclaimer: We don't guarantee we'll use your photo as the cover even if it the only one created and has a 1000 likes. Therefore we don't recommend you spend 3 solid days setting up the perfect shot, and going out to buy the latest Canon or Nikon DSLR just to take this picture! Raoul has the final word.

We look forward to seeing your photos :)

OpenLP is officially part of openSUSE!


OpenLP has officially been accepted into openSUSE Factory, which means that in openSUSE 12.2 users will be able to install openLP right out of the box, without having to add any additional repositories. openSUSE 12.2 is scheduled to be released on July 11th.

If you're currently running Factory all you have to do to install OpenLP is run 'zypper install openlp'. For more information, you can visit the OpenLP build page:

Many thanks go to Joseph Mulloy who tirelessly working at it for many months. He had to fix bugs in other packages and prod people to compile their packages properly, just so that he could get OpenLP into openSUSE. It really was quite a mission, but he did so anyways.

Site Software Upgrade Successful!

I'm happy to announce that the software upgrade of the site went well, and things should be mostly back to normal. If you have any issues with the site, please just drop us a line in our IRC channel. Please make sure you mention the page you were going to, the URL you ended up on, and the exact error you got. Also please note that most folks are only awake and active in the afternoon and evening hours of UTC/GMT.

Upgrading the OpenLP Site

Tomorrow evening we will be giving the OpenLP site a much-needed software upgrade. We will have to take the site offline for a few hours while we perform the upgrade, but don't worry, you can still find us in IRC, and the OpenLP 2.0 manual will still be available.

The site will be offline from around 17:00 UTC until approximately midnight UTC.

Use VLC to play videos right inside OpenLP!

A few months ago, we rewrote how media (videos, etc) works in OpenLP. Part of the reason for the rewrite of how media is handled was to be able to use VLC as your video player inside OpenLP. Today we are happy to announce that we now have VLC support in OpenLP, via the nightly builds.

Please keep in mind that the VLC support might contain bugs since it has not yet been fully tested. Feel free, however, to test it out. As usual, please report any bugs you find.

Note: You will need to install VLC and enable VLC support in the media setting (Settings -> Configure OpenLP...) before you can use it.

Best Regards and may God be with you,
OpenLP Team

New Android Release

Hot on the heels of the Christmas 1.9.8 release, an updated version of the Android client has been added to the Android Market.

This release contains two updates:

  • The ability to blank the screen to the theme or desktop as well as the screen. *This change requires version 1.9.8 to function fully.*

  • A number of translations.

The next release should be available at the same time as 1.9.9 is released.