Reflections and Projections

A Few More Bugs Fixed: OpenLP 2.4.5

We're happy to announce another bugfix release of OpenLP 2.4, version 2.4.5.

Bugs we've fixed in OpenLP 2.4.5

  • #1645867: Spinners in Theme Wizard segfault on OS X

  • #1655988: Formatting tags gets included in searchable lyric text

  • #1652851: VideoPsalm import fails due to unexpected format

  • #1660473: OSZL is ignored on save (inconsistent gui)

  • #1661416: Initial "extract song usage data" produces a traceback

  • #1487788: Importing photos does not give focus to OpenLP

  • #1512040: Loop tooltip gets stuck to "Stop playing..."

  • #1530597: Importing Songbeamer songs using latin1 encoding doesn't get decoded correctly

  • #1532193: Typos in

  • #1605009: Web remote does not work with newer versions of jQuery

  • #1624661: Missing DB in unmounted disk results in Traceback

  • #1655985: EasySlide importer gets the verse order wrong

Known Issues

Users on platforms that use Python 3.6, might experience tracebacks on exit. This will only affect developers and Linux users on bleeding edge distributions like ArchLinux. These tracebacks can safely be ignored, they should not negatively affect your use of OpenLP. If you do experience problems, please visit the forums or e-mail the support team.

But I will sing of your strength;

I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning.

For you have been to me a fortress

and a refuge in the day of my distress.

Psalm 59:16 ESV

[ Image Credit: Sabino Canyon by Ken Bosma ]

OpenLP 2.4.4 Released

This bugfix release is mostly just to fix the subsequent problem that some of our users have encountered when importing songs from SongSelect. There are a couple of other bugs and minor improvements bundled into this release as well.

Bugs fixed in this release

  • #1629079: SongSelect import throws attribute exception when importing a song

  • #1605009: Web remote does not work with newer versions of jQuery

  • #1623711: Unable to delete web bibles or more than one bible

Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable
worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.

Hebrews 12:28-29

[ Image Credit: Mykines by Stefan Wisselink ]

Android 2-6 Release through Google Play Store

A new Release of the Android client is coming to a Google play store near you..

The new version builds on the Android 5 material design theme and whilst will work on a phone, a tablet is the recommended device. It has been tested on versions 4.4 through to 6.

This new version works with OpenLP 2.2 and 2.4.

The following changes have been implemented since the previous release:

  • Inital version of Search has been implemented allowing searchs against individual Plugins

  • Support SSL has been removed due to issues with Google. SSL is being removed from core OpenLP in 2.6 as changes in SSL security policies make this processing complex and it has been felt to be excessive for the needs of the OpenLP community.

  • Update translations

The new version can be found at the Google Play Store.

[ Image Credit: Autumn at Sheffield Park - by Tim Bentley ]

OpenLP 2.4.3 and Personal News

There are a couple of significant bugs and problems fixed in this release of OpenLP, including a fix for SongSelect's website update. Here's a full list of changes.

  • #1600510 Deleting a songbook throws "song" attribute exception

  • #1547964 Escaping video twice results in traceback

  • #1596668 Service theme selector is missing if theme level is song or Service

  • #1599999 CrossWalk bible list is empty

  • #1608194 Import from SongSelect no longer works (website updated)

  • #1562384 Biblegateway Downloads Amplified Classic instead of Amplified 2015

  • #1618489 Improper characters in Mediashout import cause traceback

In other news, Raoul (the project leader of OpenLP) and his family have decided to move from Cape Town, South Africa to Tucson, Arizona in the USA. The current economic climate in South Africa is extremely difficult for a single income household like Raoul's to be able to afford living in South Africa. Raoul's family in the USA have very generously sponsored their move. Please pray for safe travels, wrapping everything up in South Africa and settling easily in the USA, especially for the kids.

Praise the Lord!
Praise God in His sanctuary;
Praise Him in His mighty firmament!
Praise Him for His mighty acts;
Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!
Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet;
Praise Him with the lute and harp!
Praise Him with the timbrel and dance;
Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes!
Praise Him with loud cymbals;
Praise Him with clashing cymbals!
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord!

Psalm 150 New King James Version

[ Image Credit: The Truck by Mark Doliner ]

Debian and Ubuntu PPA Updated to OpenLP 2.4.2

The OpenLP project tries to bridge the gap between Linux distributions and itself by having people on the OpenLP team create and update packages for the Linux distributions. Having said that, as is usual for most established distributions, we can't actually get the packages into the repositories, we have to use a sponsor to do that for us.

Unfortunately, in the case of Debian, our sponsor has been unable until recently to look at the package for OpenLP 2.4.2. This means that Debian has been stuck at 2.4.1, and since our PPA pulls from Debian, we've been unable to update the PPA to 2.4.2.

Thankfully, this week our sponsor was able to fit some time in to review the package, and we're glad to announce that our updated package has been pushed into the Debian repositories, and pulled into our Ubuntu PPA as well. For those of you on Debian or Ubuntu or Mint, you should be able to just run an update as usual, and get the new version of OpenLP.

This only applies to Debian unstable, Ubuntu 16.04 and up, and Mint 18 and up.

[ Image Credit: package! by Beck Gusler ]

OpenLP 2.4.2 Released

OpenLP 2.4 has still proven to be been surprisingly bug-free. Apart from some known issues with video, we've had very few actual bug reports. But that doesn't mean there haven't been any bug reports, or any bugs to be fixed. So, without much further ado, here's OpenLP 2.4.2, the second of the bugfix releases of OpenLP 2.4.

The translations have been updated to the latest versions.

Bugs fixed in 2.4.2:

  • #1579648 BibleStudyTools import broken

  • #1588369 Projector Won't Connect in OpenLP

  • #1582152 SongPro import fails with traceback

  • #1585489 Traceback during songshowplus import

  • #1589815 OpenSong files with non-numeric CCLI cause an exception

  • #1593882 Projector authenticated connection generates exception

  • #1593883 Projector not connecting with authentication

  • #1594945 VideoPsalm import with control chars or escaped quotes causes traceback

    So let's not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don't give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone-especially to those in the family of faith.

    Galatians 6:9-10 NLT

[ Image Credit: Harvest by Phil Dolby ]

New 2.4 Series Release Next Weekend

We'd like to release another bug fix version of OpenLP next Sunday, the 26th of June. This should hopefully fix a few annoying bugs that were uncovered after the last round of bug fixes.

If you are a translator, now is your last chance to get your translation up to date. We are going to be pulling the translations from Transifex (you'll need to log in to see this link) on the morning of Thursday the 23rd. This means that your last day for translating is Wednesday the 22nd.

[ Image Credit: #construction by Bernardo Aldana ]

Bugs, Translations, and Another Release

As we continue to work towards a shorter release cycle, we have started releasing bug fixes and translation updates on a more frequent basis.

With this in mind, we'd like to release version 2.4.2 in about 3 weeks time. This version will have all the latest bug fixes, but we would also like to release updated translations. If you're a translator, now is your opportunity to get your translation up to date.

We'll be sending out updates via our developer mailing list, so make sure you sign up and keep your ear to the ground.

[ Image Credit: Atypical welcome by Quinn Dombrowski ]

Official OpenLP Remote for iOS Released

Since we released the Android app we've had dozens of folks asking if there is a version for iOS, and our answer has always been, "No, we don't have any developers who have iOS devices and can write iOS apps. Then, a few months ago we were approached by Daniel Borges Ferreira da Silva, who is an OpenLP user and develops iOS apps, who offered to develop an iOS remote just like our Android remote.

Daniel worked hard on planning the app, wrote out workflows, mocked up screens, designed logos, and eventually had an app to show for it all. After that he started a beta programme to make sure he hadn't created any devastating bugs.

After a very successful beta programme, I am proud to announce the public release of the OpenLP Remote for iOS. We've aimed for feature parity between the iOS and Android apps, so if you find a feature on one and not the other, please let us know so that we can fix that.

At the moment, the OpenLP Remote for iOS is not adapted for iPad, but this is currently in development.

We would like to extend a huge thank you to Daniel for stepping up and volunteering to take on the task of developing this app. Daniel spent time and money designing and creating a smooth user experience. His passion, expertise and attention to detail shine through this fantastic app.

Download the app from the App Store


[ Image Credit: iPhone 6 by Olle Eriksson ]

OpenLP 2.4.1 Released

Despite the extremely fast cycle from version 2.2 to version 2.4, OpenLP 2.4 has been surprisingly bug-free. Apart from some known issues with video, we've had very few actual bug reports. But that doesn't mean there haven't been any bug reports, or any bugs to be fixed.

So, without much further ado, here's OpenLP 2.4.1, the first of the bugfix releases of OpenLP 2.4.

Bugs fixed in 2.4.1

Here are the bugs we've fixed in 2.4.1:

  • #1552501 Problem deleting songs

  • #1547234 Missing Verses in EasyWorship 2009 Import

  • #1549549 import OpenSong songs with problem

  • #1552563 Performance regression: Search by songbook very slow

  • #1553863 If searching apocrypha book name while 2nd bible does not have it = Traceback

  • #1553922 EasyWorship import throws exception on unknown character

  • #1554428 The bug-report window produces traceback when pressing "Send email"

  • #1554748 Slide Order Changes in Custom Slides

  • #1557514 Error when importing OLP Song Database

  • #1559336 Traceback error when attached media (to song) not found

  • #1547307 Print Service no longer works in 2.4

Updating Translations

We've realised that we haven't always kept the translations up-to-date. With this in mind we plan to release one or two more "bugfix" releases with updated translations. So don't forget to head over to Transifex and keep your language updated!

[ Image Credit: Beetle by Magnus Hagdorn ]