At long last, we are proud to announce the first alpha release of OpenLP 3.0!
The biggest new feature in version 3.0 is the new renderer. Still based in HTML, but using the new Chrome-based QtWebEngine component, it should deliver much better performance, and it also enables us to offer something people have been requesting for a long time: transitions!
But the wheat and the spelt were not ruined, for they ripen late.
Exodus 9:32
Below is a list of known issues, new features, enhancements to existing features, and bug fixes. Download links are at the bottom of this article.
Known Issues
Disable BibleServer support for now
Remote API is still unstable
Old web remote doesn't work, new one on the way
error when loading services created by OpenLP 2.4.6After installing on Windows OpenLP does not start automaticly even though "Launch OpenLP" is checked
New Features
Implemented a new renderer
Transitions in themes
Drop all media players other than VLC
Planning Center plugin
New screen selection widget
New icons
New song importers:
Singing The Faith
ProPresenter 5 and 6
EasyWorship 6
New Bible importers:
Searching by Song Number
Guitar chords (in ChordPro format)
Update license GPL version 3 or higher
Added a Zeroconf service to aid devices detecting OpenLP on the network
Video changes
Ability to show Streaming
Sound for Preview
Ability to loop videos
Show video time and how long it has played
Support Impress for presentations on macOS via Pyro4
Support PJLink2 specification for projector control
New dark theme for OpenLP
Global proxy settings
Totally new internal API server
Added SongBook name, Song Number and Alternative Title to "Entire Song" search
Support more fields in song search: topic, copyright, CCLI number search
Natural sorting for song book searches
Revamped the Bible tab interface in the Library
New logo and branding!
Refactored how settings work
Better layouts in Theme wizard
Better parsing of scripture references
Sort the authors when exporting the songs
Alerts are now able to scroll
Update the about dialog
Updated translations
Some performance enhancements
Add epub, cbz, and fb2 support to pdf controller
Catch some errors to provide user friendly error messages
Replace PyICU with PyQt's QCollator
Add proxy settings button to First Run Wizard
Remove proxy settings from individual bibles and use the central OpenLP proxy server settings.
Use appdirs instead of pyxdg
Raise minimum Python version to 3.6
Implement natural sort for authors, topics, songbooks, themes
Added QR code and link for iOS app to remote plugin ui
Hide the splash screen when a message shows during startup
Hide the Projectors manager by default so that it doesn't confuse people
Plus a whole lot of code cleanup and feature streamlining...
Bug Fixes
Fix window titles so that the main window just says 'OpenLP'
Update the translation process files and fix issues
Use PyMySQL rather than MySQL Connector
Fix service Print code
Fix deleting song books
Fix bible reference search when text matches multiple books
Strip unwanted formatting characters when pasting into song editor
Word of Worship file importer fixes / rework
Fix choruses, bridges & etc. being imported as verses in CCLI txt files
Attempt to remove/reduce circular imports
Fix dvd clip selection
Tons and tons of other minor bug fixes
Windows 7+ Windows 7+ (32-bit) Windows Portable Windows Portable (32-bit)macOS:
macOS 10.13+Linux:

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