Reflections and Projections

Development status update

Hi to all since this is my first blog entry since joining this project as part of the development team, and thanks to Raoul for his guidance and support.

As you know by now, we have frozen the featureset for the current version of which we are trying hard to get into a v1 release as soon as possible.  There have been some great idea's from you guys, and we are keeping them all on record for after the v1 release.  We are even putting some of our own idea's on the back burner for now.

So...what's next. Well, there are 4 main issues on the table for the next, and hopefully last, beta release (beta5). These are:

1) The translation feature
2) Fixing the CCLI SongSelect
3) Putting back the song theme assignment
4) Getting the video working

With regard to the Video feature, there is a possible workaround which I am using successfully at the moment.  If you have a relatively recent nVidia display card, there is a setting for "Full screen video".  If you set the "Full screen device" to "auto-select", the card automatically routes the video to the second display.  I had this setting unknowingly set on my development machine and couldn't figure out why video wasn't working on other machines.  Anyway, you can try this workaround and see if it works for you.

I'm sure you are all eager to know when to expect the next beta.  Raoul and I have had a chat and we are planning it for early in the New Year. I know that sounds a bit vague, but the translation feature is an immense amount of work and the video is a bit tricky since we are not DirectX experts.

Well, that's how things stand at the moment.  We appreciate all the comments and feedback.

God bless,



Hi guys,

Congratulations to Raoul and his team on the release of beta 4. It's looking great! I have been very busy outside of programming, just being back from tour in the US with my band Glass Darkly. We played 14 times over 14 days, and had a great time with it all!

I'm currently thinking up some new ideas for Christian open source projects that might interest me, and would be interested in hearing of any ideas that people have for software that has a church use, and has no or little open source alternative to a mainstream rival.  You can email me at tim [AT] this domain.

 Cheers guys,


Ladies and gents, I present BETA4!

Hi all!

Yes, I have just released beta4. This beta includes things like improved useability, working PowerPoint integeration and a revamped theme system. Please report bugs in the bug reporting forum.

new job, new beta

howdy folks!

yes, you heard correct, there's a new beta coming up in the next couple of days. derek has been working hard the last couple of weeks (more like 2 months i think) and has fixed the powerpoint issue it seems. he's also made some improvements to the interface, and even reworked the themes slightly. many thanks to him for his dedication and hard work!

in other news, i have yet another new job. this one looks much more permanent that the last lot. i at least have an initial year long contract. i also have a decent salary that will cover my expenses nicely. my expenses are also about to decrease, since i'm taking the train to work, and it's FAR cheaper than the petrol for the car. i'm praying that things are looking up.

well, that's all from my side for now.

God bless! about to beta again... and other stories

Hi Folks,

Apologies for the silence, things have been busy.

I have now finally finished my studies. Well, I've written the exam and I feel it went pretty well, so I'm optimistic that I've passed. I'm also doing no extra contract work at the moment, leaving me more time to devote to other things, like my fiance and

And talking of, the exciting news is that there has been some major development going on, thanks to Derek. He's had some free time recently and has been fixing some of the larger bugs. He's had a go at the PowerPoint stuff and seems to have fixed it (I know that a lot of people are going to be happy about that), and he's reworked the themes to be much more efficient and intuitive.

Now that my studies are over, I'm going to resume concentrating on the translation side of things, since that's been another much-requested feature. However we are going to release beta 4 first, to get the important fixes out there first. Then once the translation is done we're gonna release beta 5.

Beta 5 will be the last beta, and we're gonna go on to the release candidate stage after that. So please test it out and report bugs using the bug reporting forum.

On a personal note, I'm without work again. The company I'm working for is closing down their development section, and so my contract ends at the end of november. That said and done, I already have 3 interviews lined up over the next couple of days, so any prayers would be appreciated.

Well, that's all from this corner of the globe! God bless!

new site!

Hi folks!

In case some of you didn't notice, we now have a new website. We moved hosts so that we could use some extra functionality that the site sorely needed. So now you *can* have your password e-mailed to you, and we have a multilingual site all-in-one - no more separate sites for different languages.

Hope you enjoy your "website experience"!

I'm still here!

Hi guys,

Just a quick update - I'm still around. Sort of.. Raoul is now handling the main running of I have got married and started a new job with an open source consultancy and things have been rather hectic. However, I do still hope that in the future I can have a hand in the direction and development of, and wanted to thank everyone for taking us over 27000 downloads of in our life time.

I would love to continue hearing from you on what direction you would like to take, and what new features you would like. A Linux version is still in the pipeline, as are a number of other developments - keep your eyes peeled!


apologies for the silence...many things on the go

howdy folks...

i just want to apologise for the silence. i've been extremely busy, and then suddenly, after i thought, "yay! i have a nice job, a steady income!" our boss's contract was terminated, and that meant that we were out of work (we were subcontracted). so now i sit again without work, looking at the freelancing scene, wondering if i can make it... there seems to be a bit of work at the moment, but i'm not sure...

and this other freelance work that i have been doing has been keeping me up late nights and things... let me tell you, working 20 hours days is not funny :-(.

well, i hope that now with a little more time on my hands i can perhaps get some more done on

thanks for your patience!

a few things i'm working on...

hi folks...

well, for those of you who maybe actually read my blog, here is what is currently happening...

well, firstly, i'm working on a freelance basis until the end of the month. then i start this job that i was supposed to start in feb of this year. thanks to this company that stuffed me around a bit, my fincances are VERY thin. i'm barely making it financially and any prayer is very much appreciated.

secondly, i'm very busy otherwise, due to church commitments mainly, and then this freelance work (as any freelancer knows, you're *always* working - well, except for sundays). so i have't had much chance to look at

however, i have had a bit of a look at it, and there are a few things in the pipeline at the moment.

there's a fairly major "bug". there's a couple of SQL statements which makes large databases with many authors take *FOREVER* to load, thus making the program appear to hang when it is started. i'm trying to figure out one query that will do all the work, and quickly, but i never wrote the majority of the code in 1.0 and on top of that i have never used sqlite before. so i'm wading through these things, but i'm getting there.

also, one of the features that has been frequently requested since the 0.9x days is multilingual support. this actually looks to be *fairly* trivial to implement, so i'm busy with that too at the moment. so hopefully i'll have beta4 out soon with multilingual support in it!

other than that, i don't have much to say...

God bless folks! 1.0 beta3 released

yes folks, beta3. i have wanted to release something decent for a while, but have been trying to focus on RC1. there have been a whole lot of bugs which have just shown up, and thus i decided to rather create another beta release that people could use in the mean time.

also, i've released a database importer, many thanks to Eric Searcy for putting that together!

download, have fun!